
Welcome to Control Capital Solutions, where clients regain control of the banking function in their lives. Owner and founder, Doug MacKenzie, is an avid proponent and user of the Infinite Banking Concept®. Clients enjoy personalized strategies that help them maximize financial success while avoiding the risks associated with traditional financial plans

What is Infinite Banking?

The Infinite Banking Concept® (IBC) is about creating your own personalized banking system. The ideal vehicle is high cash value, dividend paying whole life insurance. When implemented correctly, the money in the policy can begin doing two jobs instead of one. Having an ever-growing base of capital ready to deploy outside of the policy is what makes this concept truly infinite.

What are our clients using their policies to fund?

Real Estate


Private Equity

Private Lending

Stock Purchases

Life Expenses

Financial Freedom

Why Infinite Banking?

“You finance everything you buy. You either pay interest to someone else or you give up interest you could have earned elsewhere. There are no exceptions.” - R. Nelson Nash

We all have a need for capital. Whether we’re financing a new car, taking a loan to invest in a business, or simply saving for the future, we are doing business with banks. The Infinite Banking Concept® allows us to regain control of that necessary banking function in our lives. Our clients recapture the interest typically paid to banks by accumulating and deploying capital from within their policies.

Why our clients choose IBC

Unbeatable Tax Advantage

Properly structured, a whole life policy allows life-long tax-free access to capital

Uninterrupted Compounding

Ever-growing monetary foundation, even when deploying your capital

Obtain Complete Control

No withdrawal penalties,  RMD’s, or unknown future tax brackets.

Peace of Mind Protection

Leave a substantial legacy with a permanent, tax free, death benefit.

Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner serving New England, and virtually across all states.

Contact Us

The Infinite Banking Concept® (IBC) is about creating your own personalized banking system. The ideal vehicle is high cash value, dividend paying whole life insurance.




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